Coop Pank: A Success Story

May 21, 2024
Coop Pank: A Success Story


Coop Pank aimed for a 20% growth in consumer loans for 2023, navigating a challenging market with increased competition and rising media costs. Despite these hurdles, they were determined to achieve their ambitious sales targets.

The Results

Partnering with Analytical Alley brought a dramatic shift in Coop Pank's marketing approach. Using advanced dynamic modelling, Coop Pank gained a holistic view of their marketing efforts. This new perspective allowed them to:

  • Optimize Media Spend: Increased media efficiency by 38%.
  • Boost ROI: Online funnel ROI surged by 107.1%, and offline ROI grew by 22.8%.
  • Achieve Greater Growth: Surpassed the 20% growth goal by 26%, with the market growing just 7.5%.
  • Expand Market Share: Grew 3 times faster than the market, using 0.5% less budget than the previous year.
  • Maximize Media Impact: Enhanced synergy between products, boosting media influence on consumer loans by 87%.

Clearly, Coop Pank didn’t just meet their goals—they smashed them. Their new media strategy, powered by Analytical Alley’s tools, provided real-time adaptability and insight, preventing budget waste and optimizing every dollar spent.

The Situation Before

Before partnering with Analytical Alley, Coop Pank's marketing was a shot in the dark. They had no clear view of where their money was going or which strategies were effective. This led to inefficiencies and wasted budgets. Additionally, existing market conditions didn’t exactly help:

  • Cooling Macroclimate: The economic environment was less favourable.
  • Increased Competition: Competitors ramped up their media activities, making it harder to stand out.
  • Media Cost Pressure: Rising costs for media placements squeezed the budget further.

To overcome these challenges, Coop Pank needed a new approach to media planning and strategy—a holistic, data-driven view.

Why It Matters

Without a holistic view and precise measurement, marketing efforts are like throwing money to the wind. John Wanamaker's quote sums it up: "Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half." This was Coop Pank’s reality before partnering with us. They couldn’t pinpoint which aspects of their advertising were effective, leading to wasted efforts and missed opportunities.

We addressed this issue by providing detailed analysis and constant optimization. Our dynamic, data-driven models allow Coop Pank to track and measure the performance of every marketing channel and campaign in real time. This comprehensive approach ensures Coop Pank’s success and can ensure yours:

  • Every Dollar Counts: Marketing budgets are allocated to the most effective channels.
  • Insights Drive Strategy, not Gut Feelings: Data-driven insights inform every strategic decision, from media placements to campaign adjustments.
  • Holistic Optimization: Every part of the purchase-influencing process is fine-tuned for maximum impact, reducing waste and increasing efficiency.

Coop Pank’s success proves the power of smart, data-driven marketing. With Analytical Alley, their advertising dollars are well-spent, showing that a holistic view is essential for real growth and efficiency.

Feeling inspired? Reach out and let’s turn your strategy into a success story like Coop Pank’s.